
Hukum Keluarga (Ahwal Syakhshiyah)
STAI Miftahul Huda Al-Azhar Banjar



Lecturer at STAI Miftahul Huda Al Azhar Banjar, Indonesia

Doctoral Student of Islamic Law UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia


Bachelor of Islamic Education IAIN Purwokerto (2015)

Master of Law at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Doctoral Candidate in Islamic Law Concentration of Sharia Economic Law UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Law, Islamic Economic Law, Sharia Economics, Sharia Tourism, Tourism Industry, Halal Tourism, Halal Food


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

    Ending Solehudin and Hisam Ahyani

    Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry
    The purpose of this study is to reveal the sharia compliance of the halal tourism business in Bandung Regency, where halal tourism in its implementation must be carried out by prioritizing the principles of Islamic business ethics (Professional Ethics), meaning it must submissive (obedient) in a syar'i, by prioritizing Islamic services with the aim of providing comfort for Muslim tourists in particular. In addition, the principles of Islamic service are expected to be able to realize professional ethics in doing business in an Islamic way, especially in carrying out halal tourism activities, especially for tourism industry players in Bandung Regency. This literature review uses the theory of Islamic business ethics as coined by Hamid Salam and Abdalla Hanafi including: a) Ethics to always convey the truth; b) Ethics to be trusted; c) Ethics to do something sincerely; d) Brotherhood ethics; e) Mastery of science; f) Ethics of Justice. The findings of this study are the principles of Islamic business ethics (professional ethics) in the implementation of the halal tourism business in Bandung Regency referring to the Bandung Regency Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 6 of 2020 concerning Halal Tourism, where there are several principles that must be met in running tourism. Halal in Bandung district which includes: a). set as needed; b). facilitate; c). according to ability; d). gradually; e). priority scale; and f). Inclusive. In addition, there is the concept of the Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET) or the Global Tourism Code of Ethics as a reference for sustainable tourism development in Bandung Regency which includes economic, social, cultural, and environmental components. This is because Indonesia is not an Islamic country but a country where the majority of the population is Muslim, so it is necessary to prioritize the values of Rahmatan lil 'Alamin in business (muamalah), especially in terms of additional service activities in halal tourism in Bandung Regency. In addition, indicators of sharia compliance in halal tourism in Bandung district are referring to 2 regulations, namely local regulations (perda) Bandung district number 6 of 2020 concerning halal tourism, and DSN-MUI fatwa No: 108/DSN-MUI/2016 concerning guidelines for tourism implementation based on sharia principles.

  • The Prohibition of Social E-Commerce on TikTok Shop: A Fiqh Examination Based on Sharia Compliance and Economic Justice
    Nanang Naisabur, Haris Maiza Putra, Hisam Ahyani, Dwi Novita, and Pat Kurniati

    UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri
    The prohobition of TikTok Shop in Indonesia has sparked debate over licensing and Shariah compliance. This article emphasizes the importance of using Shariah principles in social e-commerce at TikTok Shop. This research aims to analyze the rationale behind this from the perspective of fiqh and economic justice. This research uses a juridical-normative approach by analyzing relevant regulations using a descriptive-analytical method. Data was collected through a literature review, highlighting the importance of considering maslaha to maintain market stability and economic justice. The banning on TikTok Shop to ensure Shariah compliance to achieve economic justice. Government regulations or policies are beneficial, extending beyond mere prohibitions and restrictions. As commerce evolves with the expansion of digital platforms, it becomes imperative to establish clear regulations to accommodate this ongoing development.

  • Building the Values of Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin for Indonesian Economic Development at 4.0 Era from the Perspective of Philosophy and Islamic Economic Law
    Hisam Ahyani, Memet Slamet, and Tobroni

    Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
    This research aims to build the value of rahmatan lil 'alamin in Indonesian economic development at 4.0 era from the perspective of philosophy and shariah economic law. The role of both is considered important regarding with freedom to do any economic activities in Indonesia as the non-Islamic state in the formal term yet at the same time is known as a sharia economic community due to its world’s largest Moslem population. This literature-normative research is  qualitative with a statutory, historical, comparative and conceptual approach. It found that first, rahmatan lil 'alamin (sheltering the entire ummah and not exclusive to Moslem only) value enables the philosophy of Islamic law to contribute in developing Indonesian economy. The goal of Islam as a religion to guide its believers toward the happiness of the world and the hereafter and the triangle concept among philosophy of God, human, and nature, for example, make it possible for Islamic economic with its rahmatan lil 'alamin values to cover deficiencies of the conventional economic system. Second, the philosophy of rahmatan lil 'alamin in Islamic economics can be manifested by organizing social services, such as waqf, relying on the spirit of building justice in life, narrowing social gaps, as well as enlivening Islamic values. In the era of 4.0, implementation of the value can be adjusted to recent demands and situations, such as cash waqf, halal industry, halal food, halal tourism and so on(Riset ini bertujuan menggali nilai-nilai rahmatan lil ‘alamin dalam perekonomian Indonesia era 4.0 menurut tinjauan filsafat dan hukum ekonomi syariah. Peran keduanya dianggap penting terkait kebebasan berekonomi dalam konteks Indonesia yang bukan merupakan negara Islam secara formal namun memiliki komunitas ekonomi Syariah sebagai negara Muslim terbesar di dunia. Penelitian kepustakaan-normatif ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, sejarah, perbandingan, serta konseptual. Ia sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa, pertama, konsep rahmatan lil ‘alamin  yang menaungi seluruh ummat—tidak hanya umat Muslim—memungkinkan filsafat hukum Islam berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan perekonomian Indonesia. Tujuan Islam untuk mencapai kebahagiaan dunia-akhirat serta konsep triangle antara filsafat Tuhan, manusia dan alam, misalnya, memungkinkan tertutupinya kekurangan dalam sistem ekonomi konvensional dengan sistem ekonomi Islam. Kedua, nilai rahmatan lil ‘alamin dalam hukum ekonomi Islam dapat diwujudkan dengan menyelenggarakan kegiatan-kegiatan sosial seperti wakaf dengan semangat menciptakan kehidupan yang berkeadilan, mengurangi kesenjangan sosial serta menghidupkan nilai-nilai keislaman. Di era 4.0, implementasi nilai rahmatan lil’alamin dapat disesuaikan dengan tuntutan zaman semisal wakaf tunai, industri halal, makanan halal, wisata halal, dan lain sebagainya)


  • Peran Orang Tua dalam Pembelajaran Daring Siswa Kelas I pada Pembelajaran Tematik terhadap Pencapaian KKM di MIAl Maarif 01 Rejamulya Kecamatan Kedungreja Kabupaten Cilacap
    A Taufik, A Anggraini
    Jasmine 1 (1), 74-99 2021

  • Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr
    Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr 2 (1) 2020

  • Meningkatkan Self Efficacy dengan Pembelajaran Problem Posing di Kelas X SMK
    A Anggraeni
    THEOREMS (The Original Research of Mathematics) 2020

  • Penggunaan Metode Heuristik Dan Cyclic Redudancy Check 32 (CRC32) Untuk Mendeteksi Kerusakan File
    N Fitrokhoerani, A Anggraeni
    vol 32, 77-84 2016

  • Panduan Penulisan Skripsi
    STA Islam, MH AL AZHAR
    Situbondo 2015


  • Panduan Penulisan Skripsi
    STA Islam, MH AL AZHAR
    Situbondo 2015
    Citations: 10

  • Penggunaan Metode Heuristik Dan Cyclic Redudancy Check 32 (CRC32) Untuk Mendeteksi Kerusakan File
    N Fitrokhoerani, A Anggraeni
    vol 32, 77-84 2016
    Citations: 2