Cátia Emanuela Augusto Vaz


Docente - Departamento Educação e Supervisão Pedagógica
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

PhD in Social Sciences with the thesis "A Prevenção Primária e o Bullying Escolar: Percepção dos Educadores de Infância e dos Professores do Ensino Básico em Portugal" (2020); Master's Degree in Social Education from Escola Superior de Educação de Bragança (2012); Degree in Social Education from Escola Superior de Educação de Bragança (2007). She has a certificate in the area and domain D13 Education for Citizenship from the Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Continuing Training. Training for Trainers in Entrepreneurship. Author of the Didactic Game "Let's Play and Laugh to Prevent Bullying". In professional terms, she has worked with different populations, including children and teachers from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles (particularly in the context of primary prevention of school bullying). She won the 12th IPBragança Regional Poliempreende Competition (2015) and won an Honourable Mention at national level with the project "A Brincar e a Rir o Bullying Vamos Prevenir".


Social Sciences, General Social Sciences, Education