Belekova Gulmira

Management/Higher School of Economics and Business

Tempus–Tacis, "Transfer of quality management models to the functions and processes of I. Razzakov KSTU 2007;
HACCP, Food Safety Management System 2009;
Pedagogy and psychology of higher education. KGMA 2010
Standardization and certification of food safety. KSTU named after I. Razzakov. twothousandfifteen
Certificate of the SCO Space as a growing center of partnership in science, education and culture 2016. Khabarovsk-Bishkek


higher education, graduated in 1986 from the Fuel and Organic Faculty of the D.I. Mendeleev Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology with a degree in Microbiological Production Technology, Moscow.

The second higher, graduated in 2004 from the Institute of Management and Business of I. Razzakov KSTU with a degree in "Management by industry".